Asset Based Lending (ABL) Training Seminar Courses

Clear Choice Seminars, Inc. Asset Based Lending ABL Audit Training Seminar Courses

"Learn What You've Been Missing"

Clear Choice Seminars offers asset based lending training seminar courses for the commercial finance and secured lending industry.  With a catalog of web-based on-line e-Learning courses, webinars and live offerings, we are dedicated to the development and distribution of class leading, well organized, well taught, current and relevant course delivery for asset based lending auditors, account officers, financial analysts and back-office / operations staff.

Featuring a range of seminars from beginner fundamentals to Intermediate to Advanced offerings for Asset Based Lenders.  Course topics range from Field Examination / Audit, Operations, Ineligible Calculations, Account Officer Guides, Data Analysis, Fraud Prevention, Financial Analysis, Cash Flow Analysis, Computers and custom training solutions that meet your specific needs.  Expert ABL industry veterans provide a solid foundation for your education needs.

ABL-HelpABLHelp  - Most of the courses include ABL-Help Classic or ABL-Help-Pro reference program, THE industry standard for Ineligibles, definitions, fishbone diagrams, math formulas and more.

UPDATE 08/2018 - ABLTrain 2.0 is now available to new users - All Courses and Lessons have been updated to run on all devices using HTML5 and Flash is no longer required.  The Learning Management System has also been changed to newer, more secure, faster and better technology.  New users will be placed on this system automatically.


ABL-Train On-Line Training Seminars for Asset Based Lending

Operations, Audit, Account Officer, Fraud, Financials, More...


More than the best web-based on-line training seminar courses, webinars or live classes.  The best education because we have outstanding content, real ABL cases, the well-known ABL-Help reference, constantly updated course materials, expert authors, self-paced on-line e-Learning that uses a blended learning approach and more.  A great and growing catalog of courses to meet your needs at extremely affordable prices that allow you to train one person or the entire staff with a range of offerings.  Great course presentations, no compromises, no shortcuts and great results that can include testing to create accountability, all from one of the most trusted names in ABL training, technology and innovation. 

"It's a Clear Choice"


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